
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thank Goodness for Old Navy!

Hey guys sorry for posting twice in one day but I have been dying to share a little something with you! Today I went to Old Navy with two of my four brothers! My older brother had my Mom's credit card in hand and we went to Old Navy! I was thinking when we were on our way that we were only going to shop for my brothers. But I was wrong,oh how wrong I was! When we first got there we went to the men's section. But then my older brother asked me "Do you want to go to your section or stick with us?" and of course I said "I'll just go to my section!" so off I went! With every step I took there was a smile on my face!
When I got to my section I went to find anything CUTE! After a few moments I found a rack of glory! This rack held heaven! There were so many cute tops! I found two shirts that I loved! so I took them from the rack and went searching some more! On another rack I found the cutest shirt I ever saw! and  then I went searching a little bit more! (oh ya and p.s.all the shirts are $8!)  I also found a shirt for $10 so I had a tough choice to make because I could only get two things! So I made my decision and this is what I got...!
                                                                both shirts are $8

1 comment:

  1. those shirts are SO CUTE! and such a bargain price! so proud of you!
